Monday, September 5

He Doesn’t Want To See Tou He’s in A Conference

Imagine how many times an executive’s secretary has had to repeat the words ‘he’s in a conference’ when the real meaning is he doesn’t want to talk to you so please push off and stop calling!

How many other excuses like that have been derailed by the dreaded mobile phone?
Everyone is expected to carry a mobile telephone and things are getting worse with video phones and tracking chips. Soon none of us will be able to keep any secrets about our movements. For the innocent, good, clean living person that may be O.K. but for the rest of us this is fast becoming a disaster.

There was recent talk in the U.K of putting tracking devices in all new cars and this was not a suggestion but a mandatory plan! I am still trying to get over the shock of reading the article and cannot remember what pee-brained politician promoted the scheme.

Fortunately nothing more seems to have been heard of that particular nightmare and with luck it has been buried for good. So many things we read about all those years ago in 1984 have crept into our lives. For example, London has more spy cameras watching your every movement than any other city in the world by a long chalk.

Organisations like the police will come out with the nonsense that it is for our own protection in which case why are crime rates dropping year in year out in New York, Los Angles with a fraction of these intrusive cameras. Even George Orwell could not have imagined the latest humiliating invention of airport body scanners that see us as naked.

It’s time to put an end to further abuses and to form an organisation we could perhaps call ‘keep my privates private.’ We can begin by looking for some hotel conference rooms and meeting in secret to plan the next stage. Obviously it will be necessary to go incognito as the foyer camera and the ones in the street will know who we are.
Hotel conference rooms are available at